ARABICA tells the intriguing story of the history, production and trading of coffee. The main character is Arabica, the 'queen of coffee beans'. As the story unfolds, the audience is introduced to a variety of characters from Khaldi, the aged Ethiopian goatherd whose goats, according to legend, first discovered the magic of coffee, to Lucia, the questioning young girl who helps her mother at harvest time on the coffee plantation.
There is also the suave, successful exporter and his sophisticated wife; a pensive production line worker; profit-conscious roasters and ruthless bankers.
It is only as the musical progresses that Arabica discovers she is much more deeply involved in the problems of the modern world than she ever realised.
3 Flutes, 2 Bb Clarinets, Bass Clarinet, 2 Alto Saxophones, 2 Tenor Saxophones, Baritone Saxophone
3 Bb Trumpets, French Horn, 2 Trombones, Eb Bass
Oboe, Bassoon, Cello Continuo, Electric Bass, Acoustic Guitar
Harpsichord (Electric Keyboard), Piano
Bass Drum, Drum Kit, Tam Tam, Triangle, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Glockenspiel, Tambourine, Cabasa, Tenor Drum, Oil Drums
Details of Publications currently available:
Piano/Vocal Score available from Presto Music
Chorus Book available from Presto Music
Word Book available from Presto Music
Full Score and Stage Band parts available on hire from Josef Weinberger Ltd. Click here.
Recordings and Additional Resources:
A double length CD/Cassette, performed by the Choir and Musicians of St. Augustine's RC High School, and narrated by Burt Caesar is available by contacting Alex Dangerfield at Josef Weinberger Ltd.
To purchase mp3 audio download files of each of the songs from Arabica, click here.
Performing the Musical:
If you are considering a performance and would like to know more about licensing details and hire of parts, click here.
Teaching and Learning Notes:
For Anne Conlon's Teaching and Learning Notes, please click here.