This volume of twelve of our hymns published by Josef Weinberger, reflects our need to care for each other and the world we share. Suitable for use in a wide variety of situations, the hymns are available in sheet music form.
A few are also available as downloads.

A volume of 21 of our hymns, some written specially for family events such as weddings and funerals, some for friends at specific turning points in their lives and others for more public liturgies, including BBC religious broadcasts.
We feel that, in writing them, we have been led by the Spirit and they are all very close to our hearts. We hope that, in some small way, they will help those who sing them and those who hear them to feel God’s loving and caring presence in their lives, as they tread their own path through our rapidly changing world. Backing Tracks in preparation.
RCM 133 Vocal Score (with Piano/Organ Acc.) £8.75 RCM 134 Word Booklet £3.75
Shipping Cost £2.30. (For orders over £20.00, shipping is free.)
For Bulk Purchases, please contact us for a price.

RIBBONS OF HOPE is a new hymn dedicated to LOUDfence UK.
Senior Director and Founder of LOUDfence UK Antonia Sobocki writes:
"Ribbons of Hope is for all survivors, not least those who cling onto their faith at the far flung peripheries of the church. And it is for those bishops, clergy and laity who continue to throw open the doors and windows of the church in the hope that everyone injured by abuse may, little by little, feel able to move closer to the centre of the church which longs for their return."
This recording features Clare Reynolds of St. Margaret's RC Church, Roy Bridge, Inverness-shire.
© Peter Rose & Anne Conlon
1. The days of darkness, the nights of fear.
The broken trust, the broken dreams.
The stolen promise, the stolen lives.
The hidden turmoil, the hidden wounds.
O loving Lord, we long to weave
Ribbons of hope, flutt’ring in the wind.
O loving Lord, we long to share
Ribbons of trust, ribbons of peace,
Ribbons of prayer, flutt’ring in the wind.
2. The walls of silence, the doors of power.
Unspoken truth, unchallenged lies.
The blank rejection, the blunt denial.
The deed unwitnessed, the voice unheard.
O loving Lord...
3. We need your healing, we need your love
To sooth the hurt, to ease the pain.
We need your wisdom to find the words.
We need your guidance to choose the way.
O loving Lord...

There are two editions available:
a) Unison Voices + Descant and b) SATB.
Both have piano/organ accompaniment.
Both are available on our PDF Downloads page,
as are the backing tracks (piano).
For any enquiries, please email us.
When Your Father Made The World (Care For Your World) and the multifaith version CARE FOR OUR WORLD
harvest, repentance, celebration of creation, healing, reconciliation. Available separately as a PDF download.
Use The Swords Advent, Easter, justice, peace, healing, reconciliation.
Lord, I Am Blind Lent, repentance, healing, sight, blindness, story of Bartimaeus - Mark 10;46-52
Jesus Chose A Donkey Palm Sunday, Passiontide and Holy Week, Advent, Christmas, repentance, humility, justice) baptism, funeral, confirmation.
You Know The World celebration of creation, praise, trust, meditation.
A Voice In The Wilderness repentance, advent, John the Baptist.
Lead Us, O Lord: Advent, Christmas, repentance.
When The Words I Speak: repentance, healing, reconciliation, justice.
There'll Be Time marriage, baptism, funeral, confirmation, healing, reconciliation, any significant milestone.
Available separately as a PDF download. (Recording available soon)
News Is Whispered In Corners: Easter, jubilee, celebration, praise.
We Are Your Children: offertory, communion, repentance, baptism, funeral, any significant milestone.
O Lord, Protect Your Servants: marriage, baptism, funeral, confirmation, any significant milestone.
All of these hymns are available as digital PDF downloads.
Lord, I Give My Life To You
Confirmation, Ordination, Communion, Trinity, Offertory, dedication, trust, faith,
Sung during the Communion of the Papal Mass in Glasgow and now very popular throughout Scotland, Lord, I Give My Life To You reflects the deep spirituality of Australia's first saint - St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, whose mother and father originally lived in Lochaber in the Scottish Highlands. Optional harmony part.
...Lord, I give my life to you; You are my loving Father.
Freely I walk the path you lead, Trusting in your love.
Let your will be my will, Let my will be yours.
In trust, draw me close to you, the father my soul adores...

God Will Take Care Of Us All
Trust, faith, ecumenism. Written in honour of Flora MacKillop, mother of St Mary of The Cross MacKillop. Mary had learnt from her grandparents and parents that God will take care of us all'. This deep trust in God’s loving care was foundational in the faith life of the whole family.
...When our life is blessed with happiness, When we celebrate with friends,
When we’re full of hope and full of joy, When the laughter never ends
No matter who or what we are, We can hear his call.
We can turn to him in faith. God will take care of us all...

The Peace of God
Baptism, Confirmation, marriage, funerals, healing, Communion. Dedicated to the Irish missionary, St Cairell, who is thought to have left Iona c.600 AD, establishing several centres of Christianity in the Highlands, including Cille Choirill in Brae Lochaber near Roy Bridge.
...The peace of God in the stillness of dawn,
His voice in the song of the bird,
His face in the light of the rising sun,
His love in each thought and word...

Stay With Us, Lord, On Our Journey
Trust, faith, penitential, healing, funerals, Synod. This hymn has as its title (and opening line of each verse) the very short but beautiful prayer shared by the Bishop of Salford with his clergy and parishioners.
...Stay with us, Lord, on our journey, Close at the dawn of each day.
Share in our hopes, share in our dreams, Help us to find our way.
Be with us, Lord, in our gladness, Strengthened with you at our side,
Safe in your hands, safe in your love, Safe with you truth as guide...

The Thirsting Deer (Recording available soon)
Easter, Communion, trust. Based on Psalm 41 (42) Unison voices with optional 2nd part in the chorus.
...The thirsting deer seeks running water. The sun seems harsh; the earth is dry.
She yearns and searches to quench her thirst. Without the water the deer will die.
Search long to find the living water And drink deep the comfort it will give,
For those who seek it will surely find And those who drink it will surely live...
Recording available soon.

This Is Our Faith
Confirmation, Easter, Pentecost, entrance, recessional. Eminently suitable for both schools and churches, the hymn was written for the Oban Cathedral launch of 'This Is Our Faith', the new Scottish Catholic RE syllabus. Optional descant and harmony parts in the chorus.
...This is our faith, our firm belief. You give us strength to trust you more and more.
You give us peace. You give us joy. In love, we choose to worship and adore.
The glory of the stars, the beauty of the earth, These wonders were created by your hand.
The wisdom of our minds, the love within our hearts, Your gifts to help us understand...

You, The Christ, Have Set Us Free
Easter, recessional, salvation, faith. Three verses with the following chorus:
...You were born a babe in Bethlehem
And you died in shame on Calvary,
By your birth, your life, your death and resurrection,
You, the Christ,have set us free! ...

Love is Always Patient (Recording available soon)
Based on 1 Corinthians 13. Love, marriage. Optional 2nd part in the chorus.
...Love is always patient, always kind and always truthful.
Love will always choose to trust, to hope and to defend.
Love will never waver in the face of disagreement.
Loving knows no limits and loving knows no end...

Mary, Help of Christians
Mary, recessional. This hymn is dedicated to Sister Fidelis McAnespie RSJ and The Choir of Mary, Help of Christians, Sawtell, NSW, Australia. Optional harmony part in the chorus.
...Mary, Help of Christians, mother of us all,
Mary Queen of Angels, hear us when we call.
Guide us on our lifelong journey.
Help us find our way. Lead us in a life of loving.
Pray for us each day...

To You, O Lord, We Will Sing A New Song
Praise, thanksgiving, creation, school assemblies, entrance, recessional. Very suitable for schools. Optional descant.
...To you, O Lord, we will sing a new song. You show us your love in so many ways.
To you, O Lord, we will sing a new song, A song of happiness, song of joy,
A song of prayer and praise!
You gave us giraffes and camels and frogs, Opossums and penguins and bees,
You gave us the world, a world full of life: The mountains, the valleys, the seas. To you, O Lord...

Help Us To Love (Recording available soon)
Based on Colossians 3:12-14. Love, marriage. Optional 2nd part in the chorus.
...Help us to love with joy in our hearts,
Each moment enriching the life that we live.
Help us to grow in patience and peace,
Accepting the truth and prepared to forgive...
May The Lord Encircle You (Recording available soon)
Baptism, Confirmation, Pentecost, Communion, marriage, love.
A hymn of blessing with optional descant.
...May the Lord encircle you, uplift and uphold you,
Bless you with the gift of his Spirit.
May the Lord encircle you, embrace and enfold you,
Hold you in the strength of his love...
Teach Me To Trust (Recording available soon)
Trust, faith, healing, funerals. Optional descant.
...Teach me to trust the promise of your word;
Open my heart that I may understand.
Teach me to know the comfort of your love.
Help me to place my life within your hand...
The Breaking of Bread
Inspired by Luke 24:13-35 On the road to Emmaus – Eucharist, Easter, Ordination, Offertory, entrance, recessional.
...As you spoke to your disciples of your passion and your death, Speak to us, O Lord.
As you helped them see your glory and the wonder of your life, Speak to us, O Lord.
May our eyes be opened, our hearts be set on fire To understand the truth of what you said,
As we pause for a moment to meet at your table And find you in the breaking of bread...

We'll Be Led By The Spirit
Dedicated to Bishop Brian and the Diocese of Argyle and the Isles. By Peter Rose and Anne Conlon, for unison choir with optional harmony parts. Composed to complement the diocesan discernment process.Written in a congregation friendly key, the hymn is available for download.
As we open our minds to the wisdom of God,
Inspired by his love and his care,
His word will nourish the hope in our hearts,
Help us to journey in prayer.
We’ll be led by the Spirit,
Growing in faith as we pray.
We’ll follow the footsteps of Jesus, our Lord;
His love will show us the way...
The MacKillop Gloria
from The MacKillop Mass by Peter Rose, an exciting hymn of praise for unison choir with optional harmony parts.
Available for download.
The MacKillop Our Father (Lord's Prayer)
from The MacKillop Mass by Peter Rose. Unison with optional 2nd part.
Available for download.